Code of conduct for our suppliers is already availabe for review. You can find it here.
Sustainable beginning of 2022: we start using electricity from 100% renewable energy sources for production processes!
We‘ll try to be a real example and a source of inspiration for other market participants to develop energy-sustainable and environmentally friendly businesses.
We are socially responsible company that cares - we do think about needs of people that has less luck than others and we do a lot about it.
For care of employment of disabled people, for encouraging children from social risk families or disabled children to draw, for being responsible for our environment Company got Socially Responsible Business Award 2018.
More than half of our employees are disabled people. We endeavor them to feel valuable, advantageous, needed. We encourage them to learn. All employees can participate in decision making of the company.
We encourage personal development and knowledge seeking. We are permanently supporting various organizations, contests with our products and actively participate in social activities. Since 2018 we have started to provide art lessons to ill, disabled or children form socially sensitive groups. Every year we dedicate production of a few thousand Euros for charity projects. For more information about our charity projects - look below.
Supporting Ukrainian children
In February 2025 we‘ve prepared and sent a couple of boxes with sketchbooks, drawing and painting pads for children in Cherson region.
Supporting animal shelter
Our tradition about Christmas gift budget remains the same – we’ve donated all the Christmas gift budget for the animal shelter “Vyšnių sodas”.
Supporting Ukrainian children
Together with our partners in Ukraine, we have donated 400 sets of products for Ukrainian kindergarten and school. One set contains 4 products: 2 types of drawing pads (120 gsm and 80 gsm), watercolor pad and colored paper. We’ve sent 1600 products in total.
Workshop in Malta
Creative workshop was taking place in our partner‘s store „Galeas Art Shop“ in Malta on 8-9 November. We‘ve provided our Post cards for the workshop participants.
Supporting Ukrainian children
We‘ve prepared and sent a couple of boxes with notebooks, sketchbooks and pads for children in Cherson region.
Supporting art therapy calsses in Poland
We are helping art school in Gdansk, where art therapy lessons are provided for local children and Ukrainian refugees. We‘ve sent non standard paper for watercolor and for drawing.
Urban sketchers event in Gyeongju
Korean Urban sketchers community had their regional event on 26-27 October in Gyeongju. We have provided 500 pcs of Watercolor Post cards for the goodie bags of the participants.
Urban sketchers Sympozium in Buenos Aires
This year annual Urban sketchers event – Sympozium – took place in Buenos Aires (Argentina). We have provided 600 pcs of Watercolor Authentic baby sketchbooks for the goodie bags of event participants.
Supporting helpline „Vaikų linija“
Helpline „Vaikų linija“ focuses on supporting children. For the new volunteer training we provided some stationery – notebooks for the students, flipchart paper and paper for notes.
Supporting Polish art shop Tinta plastyczna with Inktober prizes
October – Inktober month. Polish art shop Tinta plasticzna have arranged prizes for the artists who took this challenge. We have provided Watercolor and Mixed media Authentic baby sketchbooks for the prizes.
Supporting kindergarten „Ąžuoliukas“
Supporting Rudamina kindergarten „Ąžuoliukas“ with papers, that are not suitable for production.
Regional Urban sketchers event in Spain
Regional Urban sketchers event took place in Valencia, Spain, on 21-22 September. We‘ve sent presents for the participants – Watercolor Authenticbook albums.
Urbans sketchers challenge in Korea
At the begining of September Korean Urban sketcher @jini77park announced drawing challenge for the Urban sketchers communnity. We have sent 150 pcs. of our new Travel Art books. Almost every participant is actively sketching and posting their works in social media. Check for their works at our #smltart hashtag gallery.
Supporting Urban sketchers Poland event
As usually, every August urban sketchers from Poland and neighbour countries meet in Swidnica – regional Urban Sketchers event. We‘ve sent our new Leporello sketchbooks for the goodie bags of the event participans, also provided gifts for workshop tutors and volunteers of the event.
Watercolor festival in Gdansk
Happy to become sponsors of Watercolorist festival in Gdansk, Poland. We've provided prizes for the participants – watercolor haikucards.
Watercolor workshop
Art laboratory „Kiaurai sienas“ organized the watercolor workshop on 6 June. The tutors of the wprkshop – artists Lina Šlipavičiūtė and Lauryna Kiškytė. Event participants tried diffetent types of watercolor paper from our products, their differences and possibilities. We provided the paper for these workshop tests.
Bookmark contest support
At the begining of June Rimvidas Stankevičius organized bookmark making contest at Vilnius Vydūnas middle school. We provided our sketchbooks as prizes for contest participants.
Watercolor event in Poland
19-24 April in Rybnik (Poland) IWS (International Watercolor Society) event FINEness International Art festival took place. We provided our sketchbooks for the participants goodie bags and gifts for the exhibition artists. Our partners in Poland presented our products and paper samples.
Urban Sketchers event in Spain
USK Catalunya chapter had a regional event on 13-14 April. We provided prizes for the event.
Ukraine support
Radarom campaign's goal is to protect the soldiers fighting for the freedom of Ukraine and the whole of Europe. The funds collected during the campaign will be used to purchase safe soldier package. We donated money for this campaign.
Supporting Vilnius „Taika“ community day care center
We brought paper that cannot be used in production process to Vilnius „Taika“ community day care center. Children from social risk families spend their afterschool time there. About 12 children attend the center every day.
Animal shelter support
As in previous year, all the Christmas gift budget was donated to homeless animals. This year we supported animal shelter „Vyšnių sodas“.
Supporting Vilnius kindergarten „Čiauškutis“
Vilnius kindergarten „Čiauškutis“ attends children with special needs. We brought them paper that cannot be used in production process.
Workshop support
Our friend, German urban sketcher, Hans Christian Sanladerder (@illuchrisa) performed his sketching workshops on November and Decmeber. We provided products from PRO, Traditional watercolor and haikucards product lines for the workshop participants.
Art therapy class support in Poland
For the second year we support art therapy classes in one of the art schools of Gdansk (Poland). We‘ve sent non standard watercolor and darwing paper sheets for the classes.
Project support: „Box of kindness“
We support Child development clinic‘s project „Box of kindness“ (Gerumo dėžutė) and provided 120 pcs of Platinum sketchbooks. The project idea is that you can subscribe this box of kindness and every month get a gift, that was provided by project sponors. Money, received via this project, is used for the reabilitation procedures of disabled children.
Calligraphy and lettering workshop support
Our friend, calligraphy and lettering artist Tadas Čiūdaras had his workshop and we provided Authentic Calligraphy and lettering pads for his event.
Vilnius „Šilas“ school support
Vilnius „Šilas“ school attends children with special needs. We brought them non stanard paper pile, that cannot be used in production process.
Proud sponsors of AsiaLink Sketchwalk Suwon 2023 event in South Korea
Together with our partners in South Korea we participated as sponsors in regional Urban sketchers event AsiaLink Sketchwalk Suwon 2023. Participants of the event and instructors got a goodie bags and our Authenticbaby sketchbooks were in there. Our sketchbooks also were presented in our Partners‘ booth.
SOS children‘s villages Lithuania Day care center support
Sketchbooks, drawing pads, school exercise books provided to SOS Children‘s villages Lithuania Children day care center. Children from social risk families spend their afterschool time there. About 25 children attends the center every day.
Supporting champion
Cannot stop supporting talented children. We brought materials for art and school for European Junior Swimming champion Smiltė Plytnykaitė.
Supporting future artists
At the begining of their studies, every freshman of Vilnius Art academy received our Sketch pad from STAR T product line.
USK event in Swidnica, Poland
12-15 August, for the second time Swidnica in Poland becomes a capital of Urban Sketchers of the region. Four days, full of chats, workshops, sketching, art market. We provided A5 size watercolor pad from PRO line for every participant, Authentic watercolor sketchbook sheets for one of the workshops, had some prizes and paper samples in the art market.
10th Anniversary of USK Toronto
On 15-16 July USK Toronto had their 10th Anniversary events. Ten instructors made ten workshops. There was an art supply market, meetings, sketchwalks, lottery. We provided our A5 size 100% cotton watercolor sketchbooks from PRO line for the goodie bags of the participants (150 pcs.). We also provided Watercolor #authenticbooks for the workshop of our friend Andrey Shmatnik (15 pcs.). We also provided a few prizes for the lottery.
Sport camp support
On 10-25 July Vilnius gymnastic center „Skrydis“ had their summer camp in Visaginas. It was integrated camp, as some of the participants are children with special needs. Gymnastics summer camp includes art & kraft activities as well.
USK Barcelona event
USK Barcelona is celebrating 10th anniversary this year. USK chapter had an event for this occasion and we provided some prizes.
Ukraine support
Provided paper for art classes for Ukrainian children. Classes were presented by Alena Gavrilenko.
Ukraine support
Amazing afternoon spent at „Vilniaus vorai“ place binding camoflage net for Ukrainian solders. Thanks for great initiative, „Vilniaus vorai“!
Day care center support
Sketchbooks, drawing pads, school exercise books provided to Children social day center „Atsigręžk“. Children from social risk families spend their afterschool time there. About 13 children attends the center every day.
Global giveaway and charity
From November 2022 till March 2023 we had a Global Giveaway campaing in our social media. People had to draw or sketch using our products and post their works in social media with contest hashtag. Every month we announced a winner of the month and at the end of contest – global winner. Global winner got the main prize of the value of 500 euros. The Global winner Rashmi Thodkar picked our products for 450 euros and asked to donate 50 euros for charity. We donated these 50 euros to the Rimantas Kaukėnas charity fund.
Collaboration with international organizations
Prizes for IWS Titicaca Puno Peru event participants - sketchbooks from PRO and Traditional Watercolor lines.
Day care center support
Sketchbooks, drawing pads, school exercise books provided to Jurgis Matulaitis social center. Children from social risk families spend their afterschool time there. About 10 children attends the center every day.
Deaf people support
Lithuanian organization of deaf people is celebrating 85th anniversary. We brought some gifts (notebooks, drawing pads) for this occasion.
Support of Maltesers organization
We supported Maltesers organization by giving away more than 750 pcs. of various notebooks. These notebooks will be delivered to the seniors.
Animal shelter support
As in previous year, all the Christmas gift budget was donated to homeless animals. This year we supported animal shelter „Vyšnių sodas“.
Deaf people support
As usually, we send our part of Christmas gifts to Reabilitation center for deaf people in Vilnius. 80 seniors and 70 children got our products as gifts.
Watercolorist event in Puno city (Peru)
In November IWS Titicaca Puno community launched watercolor exhibition. During exhibition various events - workshops, live demonstrations, contests were taking place as well. Happy to be a part of these events and provide prizes to participants and winners.
Supporting German artists
On 5-7 October we were participating in the Insights-x fair in Nuremberg, Germany. After the show all products from our stand we gave to local Urban sketchers community (Urban Sketchers Erlangen) and watercolor artists Andrea Schlemmer (
Regional Urban Sketchers event in San Diego (USA)
29 September - 2 October Regional Urban Sketchers event took place in San Diego, USA. All registered event atendees got a goodie bag with sponsors' gifts. We sent Watercolor and Mixed media #authenticbooks as gifts to the participants' goodie bags (125 pcs.).
Support for Ukrainian women
Art therapy classes for Ukrainian women are back again. We supported these calsses with paper supplies.
Urban Sketchers event in Valencia
In the middle of September Valencia (Spain) had Urban Sketchers event for Mediterranean region. We participated as prize provider in the event.
Champion support
At the beginning of school season a box of products for school and creativity was sent to a swimmer Smiltė Plytnykaitė. Smiltė became a 4 time champion at The XVI Summer European Youth Olympic festival! She visited our factory in September.
Excursion for kids from Day care center "Mūsų nameliai"
Happy to be friends with organizations in the neighborhood of our factory. Children from local Day care center "Mūsų nameliai" visited the factory at the beginning of September. Day care center is a place where kids from social risk families come after school and spend quality time together. It was great to see kids interested in sketchbook making process and drawing on different types of paper!
Regional Urban Sketchers event in Poland
11 - 14 August Swidnica (Poland) was full of Urban Sketchers as the regional Urbans Sketchers event took place in this cozy town. There were more than 100 participants from different European countries. We provided Wtaercolor or Mixed media #authenticbook to every participant. Together with our Polish partners we offered hundreds of paper smaples with paper from most of our sketchbooks. One of the workshop participants used our Authentic Brown paper for the training and creation.
Videos from the event are avialble here and here.
Supporting Ukrainian artists
One more package was sent to Ukrainian artist, who had to leave home for safer Ukrianian region.
Another package - paper sheets were sent to IWS Ukraine. This paper will be donated to Ukrainian artists who come to Lviv region as war refugees.
Workshop in USA
Urban sketchers had a workshop in Madeleine Island School of art (USA). We provided watercolor or mixed media #authenticbooks for workshop participants.
Workshop in Jurmala
Our Latvian friends Riga sketching school had an amazing postcard drawing workshop in Jurmala (Latvia). We provided our watercolor #haikucards for the workshop participants.
Art camp for Ukrainian children
Art and education center, who organizes art related summer camps for children, decided to dedicate one of the camp shifts as a support for Ukrainian children. We provided paper material for planned workshops (drawing pads, colored paper and cardboard).
Support for children and youth day center
We have visited children and youth day center of the neighbourhood our factory is located at. We brought some paper and drawing pads. 33 children from social risk families are attending this center every day.
Gifts for Colored Pencil Society of America event
Colored Pencil Society of America had it's annual meeting in July. We send gifts - sketchbooks - for participants' goodie bags.
Art therapy calsses in Poland
Polish artist and teacher KASIA JEDRYS SIUDA provides Art therapy classes for the families og Ukrainian refugees. they are having day camps during the summer. In June we have repeatedly sent paper for the Art therapy calsses.
IWS Spain event in Madrid
International Watercolor Society Spain branch has organized a festival named "Madrid - capital of watercolor". We provided prizes for the winners of the exhibition and for thei instructors of the workshops.
Art therapy for Ukrainian women
Together with initiative „Sisters for siters“ all May we continue with Art therapy classes for Ukrainian women. Art therapy takes place at SM LT Art Meetpoint every Monday and every second Thursday. We take care about the premises, paper and drawing materials, small gifts, paper products for children. The cycle of art therapy events ihas ended.
Another package with products left our factory in June. It travelled to Germany where Ukrainian refugee and artist lives. We also included some sketchbooks for her 3 kids.
Support for Ukrainian refugee families
We brought watercolor and painting pads, sketchbooks and notebooks for Ukrainian refugee families, that are staying at Vilnius Children care home in Antakalnis.
Art therapy for Ukrainian women
Together with initiative „Sisters for siters“ all May we continue with Art therapy classes for Ukrainian women. Art therapy takes place at SM LT Art Meetpoint every Monday and every second Thursday. We take care about the premises, paper and drawing materials, small gifts, paper products for children.
Ukraine support
Money support for social initiative "Our hearts and hands - for Ukraine!" at portal.
Products for USK London
All products after we showed them at „London Stationery show“ we gave to Urban sketchers London chapter. Products will be intoroduced to and used by the members of the chapter.
Art therapy for Ukrainian women
Together with initiative „Sisters for siters“ we organize continuous Art therapy classes for Ukrainian women. Art therapy takes place at SM LT Art Meetpoint every Monday and every second Thursday. We take care about the premises, paper and drawing materials, small gifts, paper products for children.
Supporting Ukrainian pets
Supporting VšĮ „Gyvūnų gerovės iniciatyvos“ with our warehouse capabilities: things, needed for Ukrainian pet support, will be stored in our warehouse.
Supporting Ukrainian children – „Ukrainian children in Lithuania“
Every Saturday initiative „Українські діти у Литві - Ukrainos vaikai Lietuvoje“ invites Ukrainian children to come to the Center of Contemporary arts and have various activities together. During April and begining of May we brought paper and drawing pads several times.
Supporting Ukrainian artists
One more package left to Poland for our friend - refugee from Ukraine.
Support for IWS Azerbaijan initiative
IWS (International Watercolor society) Azerbaijan branch has organized international online exhibitipon "Love & Peace" to support Ukrainian people. We brought prizes for leading artists of this exhibition.
Supporting Ukrainian children – „Ukrainian children in Lithuania“
Every Saturday initiative „Українські діти у Литві - Ukrainos vaikai Lietuvoje“ invites Ukrainian children to come to the Center of Contemporary arts and have various activities together. For this initiative we brought paper, that was hanged on the wals and big pictures were created. We also donated drawing materials - pencils, crayons, gouache, acrylics. And invited a couple of our partners to support this initiative too.
Ukrainian children support – MRU student center
We brought materials for school - sketchbooks, exercise books, vocabularies, paper - for those Ukrainian children, who came to Mykolas Romeris University Student center.
Supporting Tarandė communkity initiative
Tarande community supports Ukrainian children and gathers various things for war refugees. Our support - materials for school.
Supporting Ukrainian artists
We contacted our Ukrainian friends-artists. Some of them had to leave their home or even country. We sent their beloved sketchbooks to their new adressess. Sketchbooks were sent to Moldova, Poland, Ukraine.
Art therapy in Poland
Polish artist Kasia Jedrys Siuda is making Art therapy classes for Ukrainian children and adults. We have sent paper for these Art therapy classes.
Supporting Taikos community
Taikos community is a place where children form social risk families spend their time after school. At the moment there are about 20 children comming every day. For their after school art activities we have brought drawing and colored paper.
Art fair support
In response to the war in Ukraine Vilnius Academy of Art is organizing Art fair. All money, gathered during this fair is transfered to organization "Blue and Yellow". We decided to sell 10 amazing Mugur Popa's watercolor artworks, that we got as a present from him. We also brought blue and yellow colored paper and big size thick paper for making supportive signs.
Money support
We also support Ukraine with money. Made transfers to organization "Blue and yellow" and social initiative "Our hearts and hands - for Ukraine!" at portal.
Support of event that was canceled
We are close friends with Ukrainian IWS Branch. We agreed on being sponsors of online exhibition "Snow Snow". Products for workshops and prizes traveled to Lviv, but the event, unfortunately, coulnd't start due to the war.
Art therapy
In early February 2022 we supported VšĮ „Alfa centras“ with drawing and watercolor pads. These products will be used in art therapy for people that are healing from various addictions.
IWS Globe 10th Anniversary event sponsors in Ukraine
In January 2022 IWS Globe is celebrating 10th Anniversary. For this occation many IWS branches have related events. We are proud sponsors of workshops in Ukraine - participants used SM LT Art paper pads.
IWS Globe Anniversary events in Azerbaijan
IWS Globe Anniversary events were held in Azerbaijan too. We gave prizes to the drawing contest winners and gifts for watercolor masters, that had workshops at the event.
IWS Globe Anniversary events in UAE
Sponsors of IWS Globe Anniversary events in UAE.
Support for Art4You organization in Ukraine
At the begining of December we have sent a big pacakge of sketchbooks to Ukrainian organization Art4You. Art4You takes care of disabled children and adults, provides art related activities to them. We have sent 120 pcs. of different products. Our partners in Ukraine also joined us with this initiative with their products. All materials will be used in art related activities.
Supporting dogs
Identically to last year, this year we also didn't sent any gifts to our partners from different countries around the World. All mount of money, that we would spend for those gifts we donated to dog shelter Dogspotas.
Christmas Presents for the Deaf people
We prepared Christmas gifts - sketchbooks and notebooks for Vilnius Daef people organization. In total, 160 gifts were prepared.
Support for kittens
Support for kittens, i.e. PI "Naminukai", was transferred for 1 project carried out on time.
Mugur Popa project in Romania
Our friend Mugur Popa have started new project with Cultural Center Unesco in Bucharest, Romania. During this project Mugur will paint 100 pictures with various places of Bucharest. All his works on our 100 % cotton watercolor pads from PRO line. All 100 pictures can be found in Mugur's Facebook account (@mugur popa).
Support for refugee children
We took drawing paper, school books, coloured paper and folders to the children of refugees who started their training.
Support for kindergarten
We supported Vilnius kindergarten "Vėtrungė" with drawing paper.
Support for kittens
Support for kittens, i.e. PI "Naminukai", was transferred for 2 projects carried out on time.
Support for burnt-out house
With school supplies, we supported a family that is raising a school-age girl and had lost a all their things in a fire.
Budapest in Acquarello event
September 17-19 In Budapest, our friends at IWS Hungary held an exhibition of works. On the opening weekend of the exhibition there was a workshop, presentations were read, the most beautiful works were collected. We have established prizes for exhibitors, speakers and authors of works that were most liked by visitors. In the workshop IWS Romania representative Ovidiu Iovanel painted on the products sent by us. Our partners in Hungary have introduced our products to visitors.
Calligraphy workshops in Poland
On 12 September, calligraphy studio Nice Letter Studio held calligraphy workshops. During them, participants tested our products for printing.
Gifts for freshmen of Vilnius Academy of Arts
As every year, at the beginning of September we contributed to the gift basket for freshmen of Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Vaikų piešinių konkursas Rumunijoje
27 August. Proud to be sponsors of Romanian children drawing contest "Child's soul" with the topic "My Fantastic World". Look how many "fantastic Worlds" were created! Thanks to Voluntar de Balotești for organization.
Watercolor workshop in Ukraine
On 25 August,, as a part of exhibition "Our Wonderful World", one of the watercolor masters - Mechislav Mlevskij - had a workshop in Lviv (Ukraine). We provided paper for workshop participants.
Plain-air in Poland
21 August our friends from Poland - Tinta Plastyczna invited to the plain-air in one of the squares of Warsaw. We were responsible for paper variety - so that participants could try as much different types of paper as they wish.
Exhibition and Workshop in Ukraine
20 July International Watercolor Society opened an exhibition. During the exhobition masters of watercolor held workshops at the site. We provided our 100% cotton pads for these workshops.
Baltic Sketching Festival in Latvia
2-4 July our friends Urban Sketchers Riga hosted a sketching festival in Cesis (Latvia). It was mixed festival, as most lectors had online lessons, but there were "live" events in Cesis as well. We provided paper products for all the workshops and prizes for contest participants.
Support for kittens
Support for kittens, i.e. PI "Naminukai", was transferred for the timely execution of 3 projects.
Exhibition closing in Poland
In August 2020, in Lomža (Poland), we supported the plein air – children and young people painted the town and its surroundings. After the event, an exhibition of works was held at the local cultural center. On 18 May, the participants and organizers of the event once again gathered at the Cultural Center to commemorate the closing of the exhibition.
Children's folklore festival in Rumšiškės
22 May In Rumšiškės there was a celebration of children's folklore "Daigelis". We contributed to the gift celebration for the participants.
Support for kittens
Support for kittens, i.e. PI "Naminukai", was transferred for the timely execution of the project.
Sponsors of calligraphy workshops in Poland.
We cooperate with Polish artists. On March 26 – 28, our Polish friends at “Nice Letter Studio” organized a remote workshop for calligraphy lovers. Toolkits were sent to participants by post and contained our products and paper samples.
Support to Vilnius Peace Community
We sent clerical measures to the Vilnius Peace Community, which organizes daytime activities for disadvantaged children. About 12 children attend the centre.
Sponsors of the International Watercolor Competition
The International Watercolor Society held an online drawing competition in Dubai in the categories of children and adults. We are sponsors of the competition – we donate our products to the participants.
We cooperate with Drink and Draw Latvia
We contribute to the initiative of friends from Latvia „Drink and Draw Latvia“ to create boxes of interesting products for painters in watercolor. Examples of Authentic Mixed Media, Traditional Watercolor and Brown Watercolor Paper can be found there.
Support for kittens
For projects done on time, support for kittens was transferred, i.e. PI "Naminukai".
Support for SOS children's villages in Lithuania
In December, we donated drawing and school notebooks, colored cardboard and paper to SOS children's villages in Lithuania.
Christmas gift from company employees - support for a child bitten by a dog
Company employees donated their Christmas gifts to the treatment of the boy Karen, who had been bitten by a dog.
Company gift to business partners - support for animals
We also donated funds for Christmas gifts from business partners this year. They went to an animal shelter @naminukai – the care of stray animals, food, treatment.
Christmas Presents for deaf people
At the beginning of November we gave out Christmas presents for children and seniors from our warehouse, a total of 165 products. Products (drawing books for children and notes for seniors) will be served before Christmas.
Support for children's homes in Russia
In early November we supported "Good Heart" support centre in Russia, which helps disabled and multi-child families, went to Russia. Our russian partners helped to deliver the support.
Red Nose Initiative
We sent more than 300 pcs to the organization "Red Noses". drawing notebooks PS-10/FM for the Children's Hospital of Santara Clinics.
Online Drink & Draw Event in Latvia
On 20 November, a Drink & Draw event was held in Latvia, with the opportunity to test paper of different colors and textures. Due to quarantine restrictions, the event was held remotely, but paper samples were received by the participants before the event.
Support for residents of Kaunas Social Services Centre
At the end of November, we sent gifts to children living in kaunas social services center (a total of a 19 children) – colored paper, drawing books, folders.
Mugur Popa project - 100 Romanian churches
For about one month our friend Mugur Popa draw 100 Romanian churches. All drawings of the project are drawn on our gifted 300 gsm 100% cotton watercolor paper.
Riga Sketching School Courses
On October 19, our Latvian friends started a 5-week lesson cycle with Riga Sketching School. We set up the prize for the best-proven participant.
Exhibition of painter Anna Bogdanova
From October 5 to 18 October, the AP Gallery in Vilnius hosted the exhibition "Milky Way" of the Anna Bogdanova the AMBASSADOR of the SM·LT Art brand. We were the sponsors of the exhibition.
Events with Mindaugas Baltuška
Our colleague Mindaugas continues creative Wednesdays – events have already moved to SM·LT Art Meetpoint. Takes place every Wednesday at 18.00. During the events, participants draw on our pads, at the end of the event receive a small memorial gift.
Gifts for freshmen at Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts
On the occasion of the beginning of the new school year, we gave the freshmen of Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts notebooks.
Festival of Art for Planet
On September 10 started, our brandambassadors Annos Bogdanovlaunchedthe annual festival Art for Planet. Almost a month-long online festival – 34 teachers, various lessons, sharing experiences, learning.
Upcrate Contest
At the end of September, our German friends Upcrate organized a competition on Instagram. We gave out prizes for competition winners. Contest September 1th Academy
Throughout September, a competition was held by the Academy of September 1th. As a prize we gave out 100 school drawing books.
Events with Mindaugas Baltuška
On Wednesdays of August, our colleague Mindaugas Baltuška leads the events of creative Wednesday – drawing lessons. Events take place every Wednesday at the MO bistro. Registration is required (see Facebook account @Paveiksliukai). During the events, participants draw on our pads, at the end of the event receive a small memorial gift.
Remote lesson in Portugal
On 8 August, our partners in Portugal organized a remote Urban sketching lesson with the artist @vision_onpaper. Our PRO line watercolor notebook was used.
Free tutorial for łomża children
On August 6th in Łomża, Poland, our partners Paleta Art organized free art classes for the children of the city. We, of course, have contributed paper products.
Creative Wednesdays with Mindaugas Baltuška
On 15 and 22 July, our colleague Mindaugas Baltuška started the drawing lessons. Lessons will continue to take place every Wednesday at the MO bistro. Registration is required (see Facebook account @Paveiksliukai). During the events, participants will draw on our pads, and at the end of the event receive a small memorial gift.
Workshops in France with @stamp_and_color and #haikucards
On July 18, French shop Paper Break and artist Delphine Kehren organized postcard workshops. In the workshop, painting was done on our #haikucards.
Support for kittens
On 15 July, eur 20 of support was transferred to the Public Institution "Naminukai". The money was transferred according to the rule of timely completed projects. The money is intended for the care of stray kittens – food and treatment. The project is continuous.
Summer courses in Cesi, Latvia
On July 4 - 5, our friends from Riga Sketching School organized summer courses in Cesi. At the event, participants painted on our donated 100% cotton watercolor paper also had the opportunity to try out new formats for this paper pad – panoramic and square.
Architecture Student Contest SIKON2020
On 28 June, the SIKON2020 final event took place. SIKON is a competition for ideas for architectural students, established in 1983. We became this events sponsors – we gave out authentic notebooks to the winners of the competition.
Support for kittens
On 12 June, 20 euros in support was paid to the Public Institution “Naminukai”. The money was transferred according to the rule of timely completed projects. The money is intended for the care of stray kittens – food and treatment.
Support lesson in Nemenčinė
On 11 June, we held a free support lesson at the Nemenčinės Children's and Youth Centre. The lesson was led by Mindaugas Baltuška.
Workshops in Portugal
On 6 of June, our partners in Portugal, Olmar organized online Urban sketching workshops. Workshop manager Pedro Loureiro. This wasn’t the first work for Pedro and workshop with our products. Our products for workshop uses are recommended.
Helping homeless kitties
The right time to make a good job is now! @smltart starts new initiative on May 12th – helping hand for homeless kitties.
How does it work? We manage lots of different projects in our everyday work. Obviously, those projects have clear deadlines. Every time we finish the project on time, our company donates 10 Eur for kitties from VšĮ „Naminukai“. Our first donation is already done. It’s great motivation for us – kitties are waiting for food and medicine!
Picture by Mindaugas Baltuška.
Cyanotype workshop
We are sponsors of Cyanotype workshop, that was planned to be held on 14 March. Authentic Oil&acrylic paper is very suitable for this technique. Unfortunately, the event was canceled due to quarantine.
Watercolor workshop in Dubai
On March 9, a watercolor workshop (in Russian) took place in Dubai. During the workshop, participants draw on our watercolor paper from Authentic line pads.
Lettering workshop in Poland
On 7 March, a lettering workshop was held in Warsaw. During the event, participants were able to test our notebooks and learn the secrets of the lettering.
Awards “Good” 2020
February 13 VGTU Architecture faculty student representatives organized annual students works – architecture and industrial design – awards “Good" 2020. The ones who took part and won were awarded with our Authentic Bristol sketchbooks.
28 January 2020. Excursion of 4-grade students from "Saulė" private school attended our factory to see how's paper products made and to know some paper history.
Mugur Popa's visit
27 January 2020 we had a guest in our factory. It's Romanian artist, urbansketcher Mugur Popa. He's attending International plain air "Vilniaus Spalvos". We've provided paper for his works in this plainair.
Workshop in France
11 January 2020 artist @stamp_and_color together with the art shop Paper Break organized workshop of callendar drawing. Callendars were made by hand on our #haikucards. We kindly supported the workshop with the #haikucards.
Albina Appias workshop in the event of Art teacher's association
13 December 2019. Association of art teachers organized conference named "Children discover art". We participated in the event as speakers, company and product presenters. During the event artist Albina Appias presented her unique technique and had a workshop. We participated in the workshop as sponsors - all works were done on our paper pads.
Prizes for kindergarden kontest
November 2019. Our partners UAB Imsema arranged children drawing contest for all kindergardens in Lithuania. We are happy to give prizes for the winners of the contest.
Exhibition in AP Gallery
28 October 2019. AP gallery in Vilnius intorduced exhibition of Latvian artist Dita Lūse. The exhibition is called "Nucleus". We are proud to be sponsors of it.
Art lesson in community „Lobių dirbtuvės“
17 October 2019 we had a chance to meet friendly people from community "Lobių dirbtuvės". It's community of mentally disabled people. We spend more than an hour exploring different drawing techniques and trying different types of paper.
New Art Fest in Sochi (Russia)
3-8 October 2019 Sochi was acapital of art and artists in Russia. Our Brand ambassador in Russia Anna Bogdanova made presentation about our company. Our pads were avialable for festival participants in the testing table zone of the event.
Cianotipijos atvirukai
5-8 October 2019. Our frinds Atfiros fotografijos dirbtuvės participated in event „Christmas2Business“, where they presented cards made by cianotype technology. Our Authentic Oil & Acrylic pads were used for making these cards. Oil & Acrylic pads were our present to Atviros fotografijos dirbtuvės.
Urban Sketchers event in Valencia
28 September 2019. We are proud sponsors of Urban Sketchers event in Valencia, Spain.
Autumn Sketching School Riga
27 - 29 September 2019. Our friends from Urban Sketching School Riga held an autumn event. 5 workshops and a couple of sketchwalks. Workshops by Charlene Moreau (France), Alise Kinasta (Latvia) and the organizers - Agnese Aljena and Masha Zhurikova. Watercolor workshop by Alise used all range of our watercolour paper.
Lettering workshop with Tadas Čiūdaras
25 September 2019. Our Calligra[hy & Lettering pads were tested in lettering workshop with tadas Čiūdaras.
Now Japan Festival in Vilnius
10-15 September 2019. Annual festival about Japan and it's culture took place in Vilnius. Our friend Shota Kotake had workshop here and we provided paper for the workshop and prizes for workshop participants.
@artforplanet festival
14-15 September 2019 @artofplanet (our Brand ambassador in Russia Anna Bogdanova) was an organizer of drawing festival. we provided paper for workshops and prizes for participants.
Urban Sketchers Symposium in Amsterdam
24 - 27 July 2019. The 10th internationa Urban Sketcherts Symposium took place in Amsterdam. We had a great opportunity to become sponsors of the event and to see sketching Amsterdam!
Art lesson in Children's hospital
3 July 2019. Together with teacher Ieva (founder of @kitokis) and Mamų unija we arranged art lesson in Children's hospital, oncohematologic unit. Even an hour spent outside the hospital ward is very valuable for children and their Mums. We also brought a big pile of drawing pads for children to practice.
Festival in Moscow - KrugARTsvetka
23 June 2019. Our partners in Russia - company MPM organized art festival in Moscow. Professionals and enthusiasts could attend workshops,lectures, booths. Our brand ambassaror Anna Bogdanova also held a workshop. Participamnts could test products from our Authentic line.
Baltic Sketching Festival in Cesis, Latvia
8 June 2019. Our friends Urban Sketchers Riga invited us to become a part of their Baltic Sketching Festival. The aim of the event was to encourage people to have drawing as a hobby. Participants could win our products as prizes in various contests and try them during workshops.
International Children's Day fest in Fabijoniškės
1 June 2019 International Children's Day fest was held in Fabijoniškės district (Vilnius). Children could attend art lessons where they could draw on our proucts. We also gave our products for charity in this event.
Conference with Art teachers' association (with UAB Imsema)
24 May 2019. Our Golden partner UAB Imsema presented products in conference, held by Lithuanian Art teachers' association. Workshop for art teachers was held there as well. We provided products for the workshop.
Museum night
18 May 2019 - museum night in Vilnius. We provided paper products for Vytautas Kasiulis Art museum for the workshops held during the event.
Workshop in Olmar megastores in Porto and Sao Joao de Madeira (Portugal)
5 May 2019. Our partners in Portugal - Olmar Megastores, together with @cjanystudio, held workshops for graphics. We provided Authentic Bristol products for these events.
Prizes for drawing marathon with Kunst & Hobi and Drink and draw (Estonia)
3 May 2019. Drawing marathon, organized by Dring and Draw. Our Golden partners in Estonia, Kunst & Hobi, presented prizes for particpants. We joined for prizes too.
Postcard workshop in National Art Gallery
In April 2019 National Art Gallery organizes postcard workshops for youth and for families. Participants made interesting handmade postcards and there was a possibility to send them via traditional post wright in the place. We provided #haikucards for the workshops.
Watercolor workshop in Tallinn (Estonia)
25 April 2019. Watercolor workshop took place in our Golden partner shop „Kunst & Hobi“ in Tallinn. The teacher - artist Andrei Kedrin. Participants drew on our traditional watercolor paper and got a watercolor STAR T pad as a gift.
Art tasting for children in AP Gallery
We are sponsors of Art tasting for children event in AP Gallery during April - June 2019. Events are held every last Sunday of the month.
Art lesson in Vilnius Šilas special school
19 March 2019. We arranged art lesson in Vilnius Šilas special school. This school is for children with special needs. They curiously listened to the teacher and put all their effort to draw the most beautiful drawings. We are thankfull for teacher Mindaugas Baltuška - disabled artist - who joined our charity initiative.
Calligraphy and Lettering pads for LiMA workshop
19 March 2019. LiMA (Lithuanian Marketing Association) organized workshop with lettering artist Tadas Čiūdaras. We provided our Calligraphy and Lettering pads for the participants.
Workshop with @letteritoutloud
We provided watercolor Authentic pads for the workshops in Germany.
Prizes for children drawing contest „Pieštukas-2019“
Together with Cretacolor we provided prizes for regional children's drawing contest "Pieštukas-2019". The organizer of the event - artist Andrius Seselskas.
Caricaturist Ramūnas Vaitkus in Vilnius Book Fair
21 - 24 February 2019, caricaturist Ramūnas Vaitkus made funny pictures of the participants on our paper products in Vilnius Book Fair.
@amalinavia challenge
We provided prizes to Alina's Miller contest #gaptillchallenge. The challenge was taking place from 1 February till 28 June 2019.
Drawing contest "What if I am not a human..." by Mindaugas Baltuška
We provided prizes and voted for the winners of drawing contest "What if I am not a human..." by Mindaugas Baltuška. The contest took place 1-31 January 2019.
Art lesson in SOS Children's Village Lithuania Day center
13 December 2018 we arranged art lesson in SOS Children's Village Lithuania Day center. Children from social risk families come there after school and spend all day long. A nice angel collection appeared after lesson - great decoration for uocomming holidays.
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